8.0 Introduction

You’ve made it!

Thanks for coming along for the ride and we hope you’ve learnt a lot here with us.

We’ve provided a solid foundation as to where we can start with Flutter. However in the grand scheme of things, we’ve just scratched the surface.

Below we’ve provided some links and things to look at to take your Flutter development to the next stage.

8.1 Packages

8.1.1 Why packages?

Often times there is some functionality that we want to achieve. This could be making the UI cleaner, making API calls, or using a linter to keep the codebase clean. We don’t want to rewrite all of this functionality ourselves.



8.1.2 Solution

Packages are different modules that you can add to your codebase to extend the functionality of your code. It allows you to reuse code that other people have written so you don’t have to rewrite everything.

We’ve already seen the use of some packages in this project - mostly ones relating to firebase.

However there are a lot of packages being actively used and maintained by a lot of people all around the world. Be sure to have a look around and see what packages you like using the most.

All the flutter packages can be found on this website: https://pub.dev/.

8.2 Some Packages to look at

8.2.1 UI Libraries